Another case of censorship in the
official Discord:
Today someone was having issues with a savegame upon changing versions, and since our good fella
NeoX made a
Savegame compatibility Patcher, I posted the link there to try to help.
In fact due to their blatant censorship, I have been avoiding helping people there even when I see that we have the best and sometimes, only way to help... but I digress.
In this case, and to try to avoid deletion, I linked the
Steam Guide instead of our forum link because that would be like waiving a humongous red flag in front of a buncha raging bulls.
To my surprise, they left it there for... oh... about maybe 4 hours.
Oh, and the best part: We have a functional and easy tool to help players. They delete our post but instead they recomend a not so easy way to edit the savegame itself by messing with a Hex editor that not so many are savvy enough to use without corrupting their savegame file.
The tyranny and censorship is still strong with those folks.

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