[MOD] Old Whisper (Journey map)

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[MOD] Old Whisper (Journey map)

Post by NeoX »

[Journey] Old Whisper


The town Old Whisper is a very rich town that is desired by many people all over Eo, not only for its riches, but also for its strategic location and healthy lands. This land was included in wars and skirmish all the time, but this time it seems to be different. Rumors say that many enemies of the town have allied and plan to start a combined attack on the town. When these rumors reached the mayor of the town, mercenary were hired to help defend the town. Let's hope this investment was not misplaced.
Difficulty and Design:

Type: RTS

Recommended level: 5 – 20+


This map is the hardest of all. A hord RTS wave defense mission map for 1-3 player(s) in coop. here the enemy is also hardcoded scripted with no game native RTS AI in the background. This assures again the difficulty level and experience that is designed and wanted is guaranteed.

To assure one single player can still produce the needed amount of units to stand the hordes all around the town, the population cap has been increased to 800 for each player instead of the vanilla 200 cap. Trust me, you will need that ; -) . Again the map saves your progress with every wave you manage to survive but does not save and restore the progress on rehosting, because this map is designed to be experienced all over again and again to your liking. At the end you also get again nice reward(chests) but most people told me the best reward is the amount of ancient coins and gold you earn when completing the map (a lot to loot for you).

This mod is included in the "SpellForce 3 - Universal Reforced Content Patch" (1.4).
Download: https://www.moddb.com/games/spellforce- ... t-patch-10
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