© 2006-2023 THQ Nordic GmbH; THQ Nordic GmbH, SpellForce Series, SpellForce 2 Heroes edition and SpellForce 2 Gold Edition is a wholly owned publishing subsidiary of THQ Nordic AB. The THQ Nordic logo and the THQ Nordic symbol are registered trademarks or trademarks of THQ Nordic AB. All rights reserved.
The SpellForce 2 - Stand alone Map Editor on version 1.02 is the official Map Editor of the game SpellForce 2 Shadow wars.
This Sstand alone version was created back in 2009 because the installation of the Dragon Storm explansion broke the old editor and made creating maps impossible.
Even today the later editor versions are not compatible with all versions of the game and still requite to use the map-editor of version 1.02 to make compatible maps for all versions and expansions of the SpellForce 2 game.
!!! Please remember that this application was created back in 2009 and has not aged that well in some points of visuals and menu-links