Spell-Scripter [SF2 - LUA Script IDE-Tool]
Posted: Fri 2. Jun 2023, 17:55
The 1st and it seems only SpellForce 2 Lua-Script tool with included function database for event-scripting for SpellForce 2 maps.
The Spell-Scripter has full lua-syntax support, function database and code examples with documentation.
!The Spell-Scripter" was designed back in 2012 for the german modding community of SpellForce, which got an english translation later on. !
The 1st and it seems only SpellForce 2 Lua-Script tool with included function database for event-scripting for SpellForce 2 maps.
The Spell-Scripter has full lua-syntax support, function database and code examples with documentation.
!The Spell-Scripter" was designed back in 2012 for the german modding community of SpellForce, which got an english translation later on. !