adding acustom model to the game.

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adding acustom model to the game.

Post by Taldor »


So as the topic says, I'd like to try and make a custom model into the game. I've fiddled around and learned how to add custom icons, but as I see the armors don't have textures assigned to them, so I believe it is a more complex thing. Are there people who have any experience with it?

Maybe for starters it would be great to learn this... Let's say Tor Halicos helmet is the Iron Falcon helmet but without the wings. I'd like the Tor Halicos helmet to use textures from the Iron Falcon helmet to make a cleaner version of it. How would that be possible?

The icons:
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Re: adding acustom model to the game.

Post by NeoX »

Taldor wrote: Mon 13. Jan 2025, 16:54 Hey,

So as the topic says, I'd like to try and make a custom model into the game. I've fiddled around and learned how to add custom icons, but as I see the armors don't have textures assigned to them, so I believe it is a more complex thing. Are there people who have any experience with it?

Maybe for starters it would be great to learn this... Let's say Tor Halicos helmet is the Iron Falcon helmet but without the wings. I'd like the Tor Halicos helmet to use textures from the Iron Falcon helmet to make a cleaner version of it. How would that be possible?

The icons:
i think the textures are bound to the models and you need to keep the exact same names and resolution to them. Maybe try to edit the existing models 1st and see if you are able to hit the compatible format to them.

Greetings: NeoX
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