20 years of SpellForce – Time to celebrate its Anniversary!

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20 years of SpellForce – Time to celebrate its Anniversary!

Post by NeoX »

Today we celebrate a very special anniversary! On this day 20 years ago, SpellForce (The Order of Dawn) was released to the public and started one of the most amazing gaming series and universes the world has ever been blessed with. SpellForce offers a rich, deep and alive universe with many factions, history and events that cannot be found anywhere else. Over 50.000 years of history and lore, and over 100 locations waitong to be discovered!
To celebrate this day, we have prepared a special announcement to provide the SpellForce community with a unique look back of over 20 years of SpellForce:

Development insights, Historical events of the Developers and Publishers, insight documentations, unreleased content and exclusive developer interviews! We are very proud to present you a complete community-made documentation series of the development of SpellForce, from the very beginning to the present day, and its expectations of the future. Dive in with us over the next months for an insight of SpellForce behind the scenes like never before.

May this unique series never fall into the forgotten realm and stay alive with its community for many decades to come. Thank you for everyone being part of this awesome community! Nothing would be achieved without fans like you!

To many more years and a bright future of SpellForce, may Aonir never end its blessing! Chears!
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SpellForce 2 - Master of War | SpellForce - Wiki & Info Hub
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"SpellForce 2 - Master of War" is the legendary Card-Game of the SpellForce 2 Collectors Edition of 2006, now finally for PC and Android! Play against the NPC, another Player or Online. Over 100 different Cards out of 7 factions and more than 10 powerfull spells to support them. Many hours of tactical turn based gameplay await you.
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"SpellForce - Fan Hub & Wiki" (for Android devices) is the official SpellForce fan hub app with wiki and forum integration made by the Fan Community. Get updated with the latest SpellForce news all around the game and its community. Look up knowlege in the wiki about lore and game guides. Exchange yourself with others on the fan forum. Made by the Community for the Community.

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