Widescreen resolution for SpellForce 2: Gold Edition

Technical support around SpellForce 2

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Widescreen resolution for SpellForce 2: Gold Edition

Post by 0z2y »

I use this method by GoG user DeMignon and thought we should share it here as well:
  1. go to My Documents\SpellForce2 folder
  2. open config.xml using any text editor, I recomend Notepad++
  3. search for screenheight="XX" screenwidth="XX" and set them to your desktop resolution
    (e.g. screenheight="1050" screenwidth="1680")
  4. Optional: Adjust the field of view (FOV)
    1. start a game
    2. bring the console by pressing Ctrl + ] - if that shortcut don't work, read SpellForce 1 Console Commands
    3. for 16:10 resolutions type:
    4. for 16:9 resolutions type:
    This will adjust the field of view, however not for the cutscenes.
This method can also be found on the WSGF forum from a 2011 post, so probably they are who to credit...
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