[MOD] Lost Oasis (Skirmish Map)

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[MOD] Lost Oasis (Skirmish Map)

Post by NeoX »

Lost Oasis

Type: PVP

Players: 2

Events: No

New Music: No

In the north-east of Xu, near the Skull Cliffs, you can find a small island with an oasis in its center that is like none other. Mostly forgotten now by everyone, it was the location of many battles during the last age, for its rare resources and tactical location. Why it was abandoned you may ask? It seems like something got woken up because of all these conflicts taking part on it. Whoever dares to claim this island again should be prepared and have a strong faith in his abilities.

This mod is included in the "SpellForce 3 - Universal Reforced Content Patch" (1.4).
Download: https://www.moddb.com/games/spellforce- ... t-patch-10
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