[MOD] Green Volcano (Skirmish Map)

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[MOD] Green Volcano (Skirmish Map)

Post by NeoX »

Green Volcano

Type: PVP

Players: 2

Events: No

New Music: No

Urgath is a land of the extreme. Active Volcanoes, endless swamps, stormy coastline and the best thing of all, it is the home of the Dark Elves. Not many come back from an expedition when they set foot on that land. One fact that is not well known by many is that there are some islands in the south of Urgath, who have been used by traders and smugglers alike. From time to time these islands become the ground for some skirmish by these factions.

This mod is included in the "SpellForce 3 - Universal Reforced Content Patch" (1.4).
Download: https://www.moddb.com/games/spellforce- ... t-patch-10
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